November 12th 2023 “All Burned Up” Nahum 1:1-15

Nahum a Prophet to a G_______ N______

GOD _______ a Message.

Nahum “comfort”

Oracle “burden”

others called an oracle;

Agur (Proverbs 30:1), King Lemuel (Proverbs 31:1), Jehu (2 Kings 9:25), Isaiah 13:1, Ezekiel 12:10, Habakkuk 1:1, Zechariah 9:1, Malachi 1:1

GOD _______ a Messenger.

fall of Thebes (No-amon), which happened in 663 BC as already past but it does not mention its reconstruction, which took place in 654 BC Nahum 3:8-10

foretells the fall of Nineveh, which was fulfilled in 612 Nahum 3:19

during the reign of Josiah

contemporary of Zephaniah and the young Jeremiah

GOD does give S_______ C______.

Nahum a Prophet from a J_______ G____  

P_______ for the Wicked.

Nahum 1:2, Nahum 1:3, Nahum 1:6, Nahum 3:19

J_______ for the Righteous.

Nahum 1:7, Nahum 1:15, Nahum 2:2

F_______ for the Humble

Romans 10:12-17 (Joel 2:32, Nahum 1:15, Isaiah 53:1)

GOD does R_______ the R_______.


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