May 7th 2023 “Risen, Risen Indeed” 1 Corinthians 15:17

What does the church ___________ about the Resurrection?

JESUS actually ___________ on the cross.

JESUS actually came back to life in the ______________________body.

the Church believes that JESUS’ resurrection is ___________

Why is the belief in the Resurrection ___________?

If not then our sin debt was not ___________ & we are still ___________ in our sin.

The Church’s foundation is a ___________.

Jesus wasn’t truly ___________.

JESUS’ resurrection is the basis of our ___________

Where can we find evidence for the ___________?

___________ gives evidence of JESUS crucifixion.

Josephus & Tacitus

JESUS foretells HIS ___________

Matthew 16:21, Mark 10:45 & John 10:18

Witnesses at the ___________

Mark 15:40, Matthew 27:55-56, John 19:25-26, John 19:33-35 & Matt 27:54

JESUS’ death is a ___________ fact

Where can we find evidence for the ___________?

___________ gives evidence of JESUS resurrection

Josephus & The Apostles

JESUS foretells HIS ___________.

Mark 8:31, John 10:18 & John 2:19-22

___________ of HIS resurrection

Matt. 28:11-15, Acts 1:3, Acts 3:15 & 1 Cor 15:6

JESUS’ resurrection has a turning point in ___________

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