Peter points to the D_____ of JESUS (11-15)
Peter questions the Crowd about their F_____ (11-12)
Deuteronomy 27:14 & Acts 2:22
Acts 3:8
Peter reminds the Crowd about their R_______ (13-15)
Exodus 3:16
Luke 2:20
Acts 5:30
Matthew 27:21-23
Acts 5:31, Hebrews 2:10 & Hebrews 12:2
The D_______ of JESUS points people to a D__________.
Peter points to F_____ in JESUS (16-18)
Faith can lead to a Powerful W________ (16)
Hebrews 11:1
Acts 3:6, Matthew 10:1
Acts 3:7
Ignorance can lead to Bad C__________ (17-18)
Acts 6:3, Acts 11:1 & Romans 1:13
Ephesians 4:17-18 & Luke 23:34
Luke 9:22
Luke 4:21
F_____ in JESUS s__________ the lost from the saved.
Peter points to F__________ through JESUS (19-26)
R__________ to Savior of the LORD r_____ the Lost (19-21)
Acts 3:16
Luke 11:32, Matthew 3:2 & Acts 2:38
Revelation 7:17
Matthew 10:40
Matthew 17:11 & Romans 8:21
Luke 1:70
R__________ of Prophets of the LORD r_____ the LORD (22-24)
Deuteronomy 18:15-18
Acts 7:37
Deuteronomy 18:19, Leviticus 23:29 & Acts 2:41
R__________ the Calling of the LORD r_____ our longing (25-26)
Galatians 3:6-9
Genesis 22:18
Romans 9:4
Matthew 15:24
Luke 1:42
Mark 7:21-23
The purpose of JESUS is to R_________ the R__________.
Peter points a M__________ towards JESUS (4:1-4)
Peter’s message leads to T_____ in P_____ (4:1-4)
Matthew 3:7 & Acts 6:12
Peter’s message ends with M_____ C________ (4:4)
Luke 5:6
Roman 10:14
Hebrews 11:1
Acts 1:15
Acts 2:41
The W_____ of JESUS T__________ people.
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