May 12th 2024 “Divine Design” Acts 7:1-16

GOD’s _____________ of Abraham (1-5)

GOD ______ Abraham to follow HIM (1-3)

Luke 3:2

Matthew 11:15

Psalms 29:3, 1 Corinthians 2:8

Genesis 11:31

Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 15:7

Abraham follows GOD to a ____ ______(4)

Genesis 11:31

GOD’s promise not fulfilled as _______ (5)

Genesis 12:7, Genesis 13:15, Genesis 15:18, Genesis 17:8

GOD’s promises are only for the ________.

GOD’s _____________ for Abraham (6-8)

GOD’s warning of future ___________ (6)

Ephesians 2:12-13

Genesis 15:13

GOD’s promise of righteous _________ (7)

Exodus 3:12

Romans 1:1 Paul, James 1:1 James, Jude 1:1 Jude, Revelation 1:1 John, 2 Peter 1:1 Simon Peter, 1 Peter 2:16

GOD’s guarantee of a future _________ (8)

Genesis 17:10

Genesis 21:2-4

Genesis 25:26

Genesis 35:22-26

GOD’s promises are only in HIS ________.

GOD’s _____________ through of Abraham (9-16)

GOD’s can use _____________ to guide His people (9-10)

Genesis 37:11

Genesis 37:28

Genesis 39:2

Galatians 1:4

Genesis 39:21

Acts 6:3

Genesis 41:40-46

Psalms 105:21

GOD’s can use His people to ___________ others (11-12)

Genesis 41:54

Genesis 42:2

GOD’s can use His people to ___________ broken relationships (13-14)

Genesis 45:1-4

Genesis 45:16

Genesis 45:9-10

Exodus 1:5

GOD’s can use _______  ______of time to fulfill HIS goals (15-16)

Exodus 1:6

Genesis 23:16

Genesis 33:19

GOD’s promises will always be _________.


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