The _____________ visit the Stable Luke 2:8-20
the shepherds receive a _______ ______Luke 2:8-14
Shepherds in the fields Luke 2:8
Angels appear to the Shepherds Luke 2:9-13
Heavenly host appear to the Shepherds Luke 2:14
Revelation 5:11
the shepherds spread the _____ _____Luke 2:15-18
Shepherds travel to Bethlehem Luke 2:15-17
Shepherds witness the messiah Luke 2:18
GOD received _______ __________Luke 2:19-20
Mary is moved Luke 2:19
Shepherds share what they saw Luke 2:20
Christmas is about ____________ the Good News
The __________ visits the Temple Luke 2:21-38
JESUS ____________ at the Temple Luke 2:21-24
Baby named JESUS Luke 2:21
Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:31
JESUS presented at the temple Luke 2:22-23
Exodus 13:2,12
Temple offering given Luke 2:24
Leviticus 12:8
Simeon ____________ at the Temple Luke 2:25-35
A promise to Simeon Luke 2:25-26
Simeon praises JESUS Luke 2:27-32
Psalm 119:166, 174 & Isaiah 52:10
Simeon blesses Mary Luke 2:33-35
Anna’s ____________ in the Temple Luke 2:36-38
Anna serves in the temple Luke 2:36-37
Anna praises the LORD Luke 2:38
Christmas is about ____________ the Good News
The __________ visit the Home Matthew 2:1-15
the Magi _________ for the Messiah Matthew 2:1-6
Magi visit Herod Matthew 2:1-2
Herod get nervous Matthew 2:3-4
Prophecy of the messiah Matthew 2:5-6
Micah 5:2
Herod ______ _______the Messiah Matthew 2:7-12
Herod sends the Magi Matthew 2:7-8
The Magi found the child Matthew 2:9-11a
Gifts presented to JESUS Matthew 2:11b-12
GOD ____________ the Messiah Matthew 2:13-15
GOD warns Joseph Matthew 2:13
Joseph hides JESUS Matthew 2:14
JESUS returns from Egypt Matthew 2:15
Hosea 11:1
Christmas is about ____________ in the Good News
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