New to First Baptist Church of Cement?
FBC Cement is a family of believers of JESUS CHRIST rather than a bunch of individuals who gather together socially. So with that in mind, we invite you to come in and make yourself at home. Relax, join us for breakfast and prepare to encounter an amazing GOD in a very personal way. We look forward to getting to know you and, again, welcome to the FBC Cement family!
We have all experienced the nervous feeling that comes from going somewhere for the first time, and let's be honest, that nervousness can be a bit intimidating. We know what that nervous feeling is like, and we want to do everything we can to make your time with us more exciting and much less intimidating. One of the ways we hope to make your time with us less intimidating is by trying to answer some questions you might have before you get here. Now there is no way that we can guess all the questions that you might ask, but here are a few that we thought might be helpful.
What time should I be there?
While there are other opportunities for worship and Bible study, these are some of our most popular opportunities. We would recommend that you arrive 5-10 minuets early to allow you time to park and relax before services begin, but we also know that sometimes life happens. When life happens and you are running a little behind, don't worry about it. Always feel free to join us, even if it is a little later than you hoped.
Sunday School (Small Group Bible Study) - 9:45 am
Sunday Morning Worship – 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Bible Study - 5:00 pm
Wednesday Evening Activities - 6:30 pm
I don't want to look silly, so what should I wear?
If you don't want to look silly, then the clown nose and clown wig is probably not the best idea. Seriously though, we are a pretty laid back community. On any given Sunday, you will find people wearing jeans and a t-shirt and others wearing a nice dress or slacks and a dress shirt. So find whatever style of clothes makes you feel comfortable. Honestly, GOD is less concerned with our choice of clothing than He is about our heart.
What are your worship services like?
Because we are a church with many generations, we seek to blend traditional Hymns with today's contemporary music. The most important theme of all our worship services is the emphasis on the Bible. The Pastor will lead us on an in-depth study through the Bible, so if you don’t have your own Bible, we would love to give you one as a gift from GOD to you.
What about my kids?
Children are an absolute treasure, and that is why during all of our services there are options available for children of all ages. We have a nursery that is available for children up to 5 years of age, but all other children are encouraged to join everyone else in morning worship. During our Wednesday evening schedule there are age appropriate activities for all children to allow them to encounter Jesus in ministries designed with them in mind.
How do I check out what the church is teaching?
We understand that the teaching of any church is absolutely critical. We hold to the beliefs of the Baptist Faith & Message, which can be found under the “Our Beliefs” tab. You can also watch previous services on this web-site under the “Video” tab.
How can I ask you a question that is not addressed here?
We thought you might have some questions that we did not discuss. You can E-mail the pastor at Casey.Fine@yahoo.com or call him at (405)204-2771. We certainly don't know the answers to every question, but we will do our best to provide you with an answer as soon as possible.
Worship Leader
We have been without a worship leader for quite some time. If you know of anyone who would like to lead worship one time or multiple times please pass their number on to Casey (405)204-2771 or Vice versa.
Online Giving
We now have an easier way to contribute to the ministry of FBC Cement. Check out the easy-to-use online giving option. Anyone can contribute anytime, anywhere.
May the LORD richly bless all who support the ministry of FBC.
Text Update Line
Text 81010 with the message “@fbccement” to receive event reminders, prayer requests, service cancellations, and more!
Streaming Services
Monthly Business Meeting
Our monthly business meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month.
We need everyone's input as we make the decisions that will impact the present & future of the Church & community that GOD has called us to serve.
LORD’s Supper
The Lord's Supper was instituted by JESUS, and commanded that the church continue it, in remembrance of what HE did for all of us on the cross.
We celebrate the Lord's Supper the 1st Sunday of February, May, August & November, directly after morning service.
Women’s Retreat
April 11-12 We can stream the retreat @ our church instead of going to the conference center. cost is $40 per lady, in person $100 or ($75 before February 28th)
Kid’s Camp
June 2nd -5th
Salyer Lake Conference Center & Retreat, east of the Binger Y
24132 Hwy 152, Minco 73059
Children must have completed the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grade
Cost $115 per child
Contact Casey Fine (405-204-2771) for more information
- Sunday School– 9:45 AM to 11:00 AM
- Sunday Worship– 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- Bible Study– 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
- Mid-Week Service– 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM